Charlemagne's Mustache and Other Cultural Clusters of a Dark Age presents the reader with seven engaging studies of cultural life and thought in the Carolingian world: Why did Charlemagne have a musta
Among the readings included are several existing letters by Emma (Einhard's wife), The Life of Charlemagne, and The History of His Relics. The latter work transports us into an almost unknown world as
Between the reigns of Charlemagne and Charles the Fat, Europe underwent a series of alarming and unsettling changes. Civil war broke out, royal authority was divided, and the brightest of men and wome
This wonderfully useful reader contains translations into English of 81 Carolingian documents of all kinds, making it a great resource for the undergraduate history classroom. The second edition omits
More and more we are challenged by today’s learning environment – students are different, digital tools are evolving, and instructors are continually asked to do more with less yet show greater result