How do markets evolve? Why are some innovations picked up straightaway whilst others take years to be commercialized? Are there first-mover advantages? Why do we behave with 'irrational exuberance' in
The text examines how companies cope with the pressures which are unleashed by recessions. It is based on a large scale survey undertaken in the spring of 1993 which involved the participation of more than 600 leading UK companies. The questionnaire data was combined with a long enough time-series of data on the financial performance of most of the companies to enable us to trace effects left over from the recession in the early 1980s. The main issues examined in the book are: what makes companies vulnerable to recessionary pressures? How do companies typically respond to these pressures? How have recessionary pressures been transmitted back into labour markets and what kinds of institutional changes have they induced? Finally, do recessionary pressures stimulate innovative activity?
The text examines how companies cope with the pressures which are unleashed by recessions. It is based on a large scale survey undertaken in the spring of 1993 which involved the participation of more than 600 leading UK companies. The questionnaire data was combined with a long enough time-series of data on the financial performance of most of the companies to enable us to trace effects left over from the recession in the early 1980s. The main issues examined in the book are: what makes companies vulnerable to recessionary pressures? How do companies typically respond to these pressures? How have recessionary pressures been transmitted back into labour markets and what kinds of institutional changes have they induced? Finally, do recessionary pressures stimulate innovative activity?
Discover why being a "fast second" is often more financially rewarding than being at the cutting edge. If you get there first, you'll lead the pack, right? Not necessarily! The skill-sets of most est
一馬當先進入新市場的企業享有競爭優勢,對嗎?事實並不盡然!國際知名的策略專家馬基德斯(Constantinos C. Markides)和吉拉斯基(Paul A. Geroski)指出,運用革命性創新來開創新市場的先鋒廠商們幾乎都無法成為後續擴大並征服整併的勝利者。是因為創造革命性新市場所需要的能力、心理和態度,與市場的成長和整併所需不僅截然不同,而且簡直是相互衝突。大型企業其實並不存有開創革命性