This work provides a summary of biblical data centered on the lives of some of the greatest characters who walked across the pages of Scripture. More importantly, this retelling of various biblical st
Though centered in the southern Levant, Understanding Biblical Kingdoms and Empires: An Introductory Atlas and Comparative View shows that the world of the Bible is much larger, stretching across the
Made for non-experts, Carta’s Understanding Biblical Archaeology is an introductory atlas to the subject that can provide greater insight into the lives and customs of the ancient peoples who inhabite
In order to understand the world of the New Testament, it is essential to recognize the geographical realities of the first-century world in which the Gospel spread. By learning about these places and
Go and do. Jesus commands it, and the world needs it. Word and deed go together. One without the other is not enough. We follow Jesus into all the world, and we follow his example in all we do.Mission
Richly documented with maps and profusely illustrated, this volume provides a comprehensive view of the geographical background to life in biblical times.