In Edge-Based Clausal Syntax, Paul Postal rejects the notion that an English phrase of the form [V + DP] invariably involves a grammatical relation properly characterized as a direct object. He argue
In Edge-Based Clausal Syntax, Paul Postal rejects the notion that an English phrase of the form [V + DP] invariably involves a grammatical relation properly characterized as a direct object. He argue
For some time it has been generally accepted by students of English grammar that a rule of Raising exists and that it functions to produce derived main clause subjects. Following Rosenbaum's work, it
Normally, a speaker uses a first person singular pronoun (in English,I, me, mine, myself) torefer to himself or herself. To refer to a single addressee, aspeaker uses second person pronouns ( you, you
When it was first published in 1997, Geoffrey Sampson's Educating Eve was described as the definitive response to Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct and Noam Chomsky's nativism. In this revised and
This book offers a comprehensive survey of research on parasitic gaps, an intriguingsyntactic phenomenon. The first section of the book contains a history of work on the topic andthree fundamental pre
In this book, Chris Collins and Paul Postal consider examples such the one below onthe interpretation where Nancy thinks that this course is not interesting: Nancy doesn'tthink this course is interest
In this book, Chris Collins and Paul Postal consider examples such the one below onthe interpretation where Nancy thinks that this course is not interesting: Nancy doesn'tthink this course is interest