The gripping, fast-paced sequel to the critically acclaimed The Beggar’s Opera Detective Mike Ellis returns home after he is cleared in the death of a young boy while on vacation in Cuba, only to disc
In beautiful, crumbling Old Havana, Canadian detective Mike Ellis hopes the sun and sand will help save his troubled marriage. He doesn’t yet know that it’s dead in the water—much like the little Cuba
The question before the Supreme Court of Canada was whether the 1923 Williams Treaties had extinguished the pre-existing rights of the Hiawatha First Nation to fish in the Otonabee River without a lic
In a 1994 decision known as Howard, the Supreme Court of Canada held that the Aboriginal signatories to the 1923 Williams Treaties had knowingly given up not only their title to off-reserve lands but
IN BEAUTIFUL, CRUMBLING OLD Havana, detective Mike Ellis hopes the sun and sand will save his troubled marriage. He doesn’t yet know that it’s dead in the water, much like the little Cuban boy last se