" "I believe each of my students must craft an individual reading life of challenge, whim, curiosity, and hunger, and" "I've discovered that it is not too late in high school to lead a non-reader to r
This book is about teaching writing and the gritty particulars of teaching adolescents. But it is also the planning, the thinking, the writing, the journey: all I've been putting into my teaching for
"Teaching is art-creation-and a curriculum map is only as good as the teacher who considers it, who questions it, and who revises it to meet the needs of each year's students." -Kelly Gallagher and Pe
Barker, a middle school writing teacher, shows middle school teachers how to help students improve their writing. She asks teachers to first reflect on their writing experiences, then addresses myths
In Writing with Mentors, high school teachers Allison Marchetti and Rebekah O'Dell prove that the key to cultivating productive, resourceful writers-writers who can see value and purpose for writing b
Read Kittle's stories of teaching and learning. Then write your own. I plan to. - Tom Romano, author of Crafting Authentic Voice For twenty years Penny Kittle has woven together artful teaching and