Teaching Listening Comprehension is about developing listening comprehension skills in the language classroom. In Part I, some essential background issues are dealt with. The author defines the charac
How can you make a discussion really work? What sort of activities produce genuine and enthusiastic exchanges of ideas? How can you prepare such exercises quickly and easily? These are some of the que
《語言教學教程:實踐與理論(第二版)》是“當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫(升級版)”中的一本,是兼具理論框架與實踐指導的一站式英語教學指南。本書是劍橋大學出版社於1996年出版的《語言教學教程:實踐與理論》(A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory)的全新修訂版本。全書共20個單元,前面11個單元分別對各項基本英語技能提供了全面而詳盡的教學指導,後面9個單元聚焦教學材料、教學方法、教學大綱、評價測試、課堂管理、學習者和教師發展等內容。每一單元均以理論提綱開始,隨後圍繞提綱逐一進行闡釋,並配有教學實例、實踐建議和教學任務,結尾處附有“複習”板塊,並給出拓展閱讀書目。本書有兩大特點:其一,內容全面,以問題為導向;其二,知行合一,以實踐為目的。無論是英語教師培訓者、職前英語教師,還是廣大一線英語教師,都會從中獲得啟發與助益。
Vocabulary Activities provides a wealth of ideas for introducing, presenting, expanding, exploring and practising vocabulary. These teacher-friendly activities are clearly written and wide-ranging, an
為【劍橋英語教學大師口袋書系列】之一,此書針對英語字彙教學提供清楚的解析及教學建議,適合作為英語教師字彙教學參考書。This concise, but comprehensive book draws on Penny Ur's extensive teaching experience as well as insights from research in applied linguistics. It explores a wide range of topics including introducing new vocabulary, reviewing and practising new words and expressions, and ways of expanding and enriching learner vocabulary. The author also provides practical classroom illustrations and ideas for implementation, helping teachers to ensure more effective learning. Penny Ur's 77 Tips for Teaching Vocabulary is an essential reference for teachers of all levels of experience.
豐富有趣且兼容多元學科及語言整合學習(CLIL) 教學觀念的青少年文法教材◎ Active Grammar 是課堂授課與自修兩相宜的青少年文法教材,由教授中小學三十年經驗的資深文法教學大師 Penny Ur 主編。◎ 以多元學科的文本題材(如:史地自然科學等),導出文法要點,大幅提升青少年的學習興趣。◎ 學生課本隨附互動學習CD-ROM,內有豐富的練習題,並能自編與列印測驗卷,自我追蹤學習成效;還