In Unveiling the French Republic, Per-Erik Nilsson engages in a critical analysis of national identity, secularism, and Islam in France. He argues that secular ideology has been used to justify religi
The Islamic Veil Affairs (2003–4 and 2009–2011), which led to the banning of Muslim girls wearing Islamic headscarves in French public schools and women wearing full-face veils in public,
In Open Source Jihad, Per-Erik Nilsson provides a unique overview of the academic research and political legislation concerning 'Islamic terrorism' in Europe. He scrutinises in detail how the concepts 'terrorism', 'radicalisation', and 'counter-terrorism' have developed as academic objects of study and political objects of governance. In the Element, Nilsson brings to the fore systemic problems of the field of terrorism studies as well as the various anti-terrorist apparatuses developed by EU member states. Open Source Jihad should be required reading for anyone interested in current European political and social events.
Per-Erik Nilsson takes a religious studies approach to analyse the intersections of secularism, nationhood and populism in contemporary France. This book provides insight into the French and European
Per-Erik Nilsson takes a religious studies approach to analyse French contemporary populism, and uses the discourse on secularism as a lens to do so. This book provides insight into the French and Eur