Shakespeare, as well as the reading, translating, teaching, criticizing, performing, and adapting of Shakespeare, does not exist outside culture. Culture in its many varieties not only informs the Sha
3M公司,這個全名叫做Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing的公司,由於名稱複雜,而被人根據名稱中頭三個字母,簡稱為3M。20世紀後期以來,一直名列在美國財富雜誌500大企業和全美最受尊崇企業中,以至於它那翻譯過來的難記名字──明尼蘇達礦業和製造公司,也因商業人士的經常談及,成為了它的特別標誌。 幾十年來,3M公司成功摸索出了一套如何實現創新的方法,本書將對3
In literature, culture, history, philosophy and arts of classical and Renaissance Europe, a certain thematic event can probably be traced through how people learned to cope with life, read, accumulate
Uniquefeatures—■selected Shakespearean soliloquies withcommentary■the prosody of Shakespeare's verse andhow to recite it■the function of Juliet's soliloquies in Romeo and Juliet■four types of soliloqu
More Trouble with Maths acknowledges that there are many reasons why children and adults are unable to function mathematically. Difficulties include problems with rote learning basic facts and procedu
First published in 1990. The aim of this thesis is to show that the way to understand the central claims of Kant’s ethics is to accept the idea that morality is a distinctive form of rationality; that
This book presents a variety of approaches and applications for using data mining and machine learning techniques in the context of event mining. It offers an introductory overview on recent developme