In this essential handbook—a blend of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The Happiness Project—the co-host of the wildly popular InvestED podcast shares her yearlong journey learning to invest, as tau
In this essential handbook—a blend of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The Happiness Project—the co-host of the wildly popular InvestED podcast shares her yearlong journey learning to invest, as tau
Phil Town is now a very wealthy man, but he wasn't always. In fact, he was living on a salary of $4000 a year when some well-timed advice launched him down a highway of investing self-education that r
Before I became “Phil Town, teacher of investing principles to more than 500,000 people a year,” I was a lot like you: someone who viewed individual stock investing as way too hard to do successfully.
Don’t get mad, get even… ? Phil Town’s first book, the #1 New York Times bestseller Rule #1, was a guide to stock trading for people who believe they lack the knowledge to trade.? But because many peo
Identifies the opportunities of depressed economies while demonstrating how to make the most of the fund system, explaining the lucrative potential of investing in worthwhile stocks while they are sel
The self-made millionaire and expert on do-it-yourself investing shares his personal approach to financial and investment success, based on a single, simple, risk-free Rule #1--don't invest to make m