Julian M. Alston/ George W. Norton (EDT)/ P. G. Pardey (EDT)/ Julian M. Alston (EDT)/ George W. Norton/ Philip G. Pardey/ International Service for National Agricultural Research (COR)
The Indicator Series contains fully-sourced and extensively documented country-specific files on the basic resources committed to national agricultural research systems (NARS). It includes, where possible, annual observations from 1960 to 1986 on a variety of agricultural research expenditure and research personnel series at the system or national level for 154 developing and developed countries. This volume contains the most comprehensive time series possible which is consistent in reporting data within countries, across countries, and between the personnel and expenditure series. Notes to the data tables often include supplementary tables which give a breakdown of the aggregate figures to an institutional level. The structure of the Indicator Series facilitates its use at three levels: (1) the data series themselves; (2) the data series plus personnel and expenditure comments; (3) the data, comments and citations (both sources and additional references) - for use in more targeted ana
Resources for agricultural science are scarce across the world. Yet even as resources are shrinking, agricultural science has expanded its inquiry into many new areas - such as environmental preservat