Professor Howard (Birmingham City University Jackson UK),Dr Etienne (University of Yaounde I Ze Amvela Cameroon)
Professor Jackson (Texas A&M University Ayres San Antonio USA)
Professor Russell (University of Birmingham Jackson UK)
Professor Sam Jackson
Ashley (Professor of Imperial and Military History at King's College London Jackson Visiting Fellow of Kellogg College Oxford)
Ashley (Professor of Military and Imperial History Jackson Professor of Military and Imperial History King's College London),Andrew (Honorary Professor Stewart Honorary Professor Australian National
Emily (Professor of Law Jackson London School of Economics)
Emily (Professor of Law Jackson Professor of Law London School of Economics)
Hughes, R. Gerald,Jackson, Professor Peter,Scott, Len
Iwashita, Akihiro (Hokkaido University, Japan),Ha, Yong-Chool (Korean Foundation Professor, Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington),Boyle, Edward (Associate Professor, Inte
Jackson, Christine (Emeritus Fellow, and formerly Associate Professor in Early Modern History, Emeritus Fellow, and formerly Associate Professor in Early Modern History, Kellogg College, Oxford and Ox
Jackson, Christopher (Senior Resident, Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA),Lim, Michael (Professor of Neurosurgery, Oncology, Otolaryngology, and Radiation Oncology, Johns Hop
Jackson, Professor Howard (Birmingham City University, UK)
Jackson, Professor Russell
Pekkanen, Robert J. (Professor, Professor, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington),Pekkanen, Saadia (Job and Gertrud Tamaki Endowed Professor, Job and Gertrud Tama
Prof Alvin (Sir Richard Lodge Professor of History Jackson Sir Richard Lodge Professor of History University of Edinburgh)
Professor Henry Jackson
Professor Richard Jackson , Joseph Llewellyn , Griffin Manawaroa Leonard , Aidan Gnoth , Tonga Karena
Professor Richard Jackson(EDI)
Sarah J. Jackson (University of Pennsylvania),Moya (Assistant Professor Bailey Northeastern University),Brooke Foucault (Assistant Professor Welles Northeastern University)