Rebecca (Assistant Professor Hanson Assistant Professor University of Florida)
;Lees-Maffei, Grace (Professor of Design History, University of Hertfordshire, UK),Houze, Rebecca (Nothern Illinois University, USA)
A. Rebecca (Professor of Philosophy Rozelle-Stone Professor of Philosophy University of North Dakota)
Boes, Tobias (Professor, Professor, University of Notre Dame),Braun, Rebecca (Professor, Professor, Lancaster University),Spiers, Emily (Lecturer, Lecturer, Lancaster University)
Brad (Senior Lecturer Gobby Master of Education Course Coordinator Senior Lecturer Master of Education Course Coordinator Curtin University),Rebecca (Associate Professor Walker Deputy Head of School A
Fry, Rebecca (Carol Remmer Angle Distinguished Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Director, Institute for Environmental Health Solutions Director, Gra
Herbert (Sensory Consulting Services Stone IFT Past President Visiting Professor Zhejiang Gongshang University),Rebecca N. (President/Chief Bleibaum Sensory Intelligence of Dragonfly SCI Inc.),Heather
Hirst, Cara S. (Researcher, Dental and Skeletal Bioarchaeology, University College London, UK),Gilmour, Rebecca J. (Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology at Mount Royal University in Calgary
Katz, Rebecca (Associate Professor and Director, Center for Global Health Science and Security, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA),Boyce, Matthew (Research Associate, Center for Global Healt
Lisa A. Miller CNM JD (President Perinatal Risk Management & Education Services),David Miller (Associate Professor),Rebecca L. Cypher
Lynne Moore (Professor Emerita Healy Professor Emerita University of Connecticut),Rebecca Leela (Associate Professor Thomas Associate Professor University of Connecticut)
Maxson, Rebecca, PharmD, BCPS (Associate Clinical Professor , Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy)
Miles, Joanna (University of Cambridge, UK),Monk, Daniel (University of London, UK),Probert, Professor Rebecca (University of Exeter, UK)
Probert, Professor Rebecca (University of Exeter, UK),Snape, John (Warwick Law School, University of Warwick, UK)
Professor Rebecca Wallace,Fraser Janeczko,Karen Wylie
Rebecca (Assistant Professor of Mathematics Sanft University of North Carolina Asheville USA),Anne (Professor of Biology Walter St. Olaf College USA)
Rebecca (Associate Professor in English Beasley University of Oxford and Fellow of The Queen's College Oxford.)
Rebecca (Associate Professor in Philosophy Roache Associate Professor in Philosophy Royal Holloway University of London)
A concise and lively overview of the intriguing and provocative life and ideas of twentieth century French philosopher, mystic, and social activist Simone Weil. The breadth, poignancy, and prescience