Goodman, Professor Robin Truth (Professor, Florida State University, USA)
Professor Robin (Long Island University Hemley Brooklyn USA),Xu (Vermont College of Fine Arts Xi USA)
Professor Robin Truth (Professor Goodman Florida State University USA)
Robin (Associate Professor of Government Harding Associate Professor of Government University of Oxford)
Robin (Professor of Metaphysics Le Poidevin University of Leeds)
DiMatteo, M. Robin (Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Emerita, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Emerita, University of California, Riverside),Leslie R. (Professor of Psychology Martin Profe
Geis, Robin (Professor of International Law and Security, Professor of International Law and Security, University of Glasgow),Krieger, Heike (Professor of Public Law and International Law, Professor
Geiss, Robin (Chair of International Law and Security, Chair of International Law and Security, University of Glasgow),Melzer, Nils (Professor of International Law, Professor of International Law, Un
Kevin Simler (Writer and Software Engineer),Robin (Associate Professor of Economics Hanson Associate Professor of Economics George Mason University)
Lovin, Robin (Cary M. Maguire University Professor of Ethics emeritus, Southern Methodist University and a Visiting Scholar in Theology, Loyola University Chicago),Mauldin, Joshua (Associate Director
Osborne, Robin (Professor of Ancient History, Professor of Ancient History, University of Cambridge),Rhodes, P. J. (Honorary and Emeritus Professor of Ancient History, Honorary and Emeritus Professor
Osborne, Robin (Professor of Ancient History, University of Oxford, and Fellow and Tutor, Corpus Christi College, Oxford)
Professor Robin Feuer Miller (Brandeis University Massachusetts)
Robin (Assistant Professor in Historical Linguistics Meyer Assistant Professor in Historical Linguistics University of Lausanne)
Robin (Assistant Professor of Philosophy Dembroff Assistant Professor of Philosophy Yale University)
Robin (Associate Professor of Anthropology Conley Riner Associate Professor of Anthropology Marshall University)
Robin (Emeritus Professor of Pure Mathematics Wilson Emeritus Professor of Pure Mathematics The Open University)
Robin (Emeritus Professor of Pure Mathematics Wilson Open University)
Wilson, Robin (Emeritus Professor of Pure Mathematics, OU and Emeritus Professor of Geometry, Gresham College, Emeritus Professor of Pure Mathematics, OU and Emeritus Professor of Geometry, Gresham C
;Goodman, Professor Robin Truth (Professor, Florida State University, USA)