Good Psychology Books
Society of Applied Psychology
Michael W. (Emeritus Professor of Psychology in the psychology department at Royal Holloway University of London Eysenck UK)
Moustafa, Ahmed A. (Marcs Institute for Brain, Behaviour, Development and School of Psychology, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia)
Stephen (Department of Psychology von Tetzchner University of Oslo Norway)
Center For Psychology
;Anderson, Judith (Climate Psychology Alliance, UK),Staunton, Tree (Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling, UK),O璽?砂Gorman, Jenny (Climate Psychology Alliance, UK),Hickman, Caroline (Universit
;Butler, Jason A. (PhD in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA),Herzberg, Genesee,Miller, Richard Louis
;Di Fabio, Annamaria (Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology in the Department of Education and Psychology at the University of Florence, Italy.),Cooper, Cary L. (American-born British psycho
;Forsyth, Jacky (School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise, Staffordshire University, UK),Roberts, Claire-Marie (Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences, University of the West of England, UK)
;Fotinatos-Ventouratos, Ritsa S. J. (Ritsa Ventouratos-Fotinatos is Professor of Psychology, in Organizational & Social Psychology at The American College of Greece, Greece.),Cooper, Cary L. (American
;Neill, Calum,Hook, Derek (Associate Professor of Psychology at Duquesne University),Vanheule, Stijn (Ghent University and private practice, Belgium)
;Scheonherr, Jordan (Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Loyola Campus),McConnell, Meghan M.
;Zaccaro, Stephen J. (Professor of psychology at George Mason University, Virginia, USA.),Hiller, Nathan J. (Executive Director of the Center for Leadership and Professor in the Department of Global L
Alexander John (Division of Psychology and Counselling Bridger University of Huddersfield UK)
Aman Kwatra,Ladislav (Course Director Timulak Doctorate in Counselling Psychology Trinity College Dublin),Sharon Lu Huixian,Ciara Joyce,Mary Creaner
Amanda (Assistant Professor Munoz-Martinez Universidad de Los Andes Colombia),Matthew D. (Assistant Professor Skinta Dept. of Psychology Roosevelt University USA),Sarah Sullivan-Singh,Barbara (Profess