Set against the turbulent backdrop of the Italian Renaissance, this alternate history takes place in a world where real faith-based magic exists. Our hero is Damiano Dalstrego. He is a wizard’s son, a
The haunting conclusion of a magnificent fantasy trilogy, which began with Damiano and continued with Damiano’s Lute. Set against the turbulent backdrop of the Italian Renaissance, this alternate hist
Martha Macnamara knows that her daughter Elizabeth is in trouble, she just does not know what kind. Mysterious phone calls from San Francisco at odd hours of the night are the only contact she has had
R. A. MacAvoy is a truly gifted author who has no need to rely on the conventions of the science fiction genre in order to hold the reader’s attention. Her highly original debut novel,Tea With the Bla
An unusual and original work of fantasy from the acclaimed author of Tea with the Black Dragon.A contemporary man, John Thornburn (a meek, nonviolent, and unpredictable artist) and woman, Derval
“No fantasy writer working today has a defter touch with Irish magic” (Morgan Llywelyn, author of Lion of Ireland). Set against the colorful and magical backdrop of Ireland, The Grey
Martha Macnamara knows that her daughter, Elizabeth, is in trouble; she just doesn't know what kind. Mysterious phone calls from San Francisco at odd hours of the night are the only contact she has ha
Set against the colorful and magical backdrop of Ireland, The Grey Horse chronicles a time when the Irish people suffered under harsh English overlords who sought to destroy their culture and way of l