Adhocracy: Any form of organization that cuts across normal bureaucratic lines to capture opportunities, solve problems, and get results.In an era of accelerating change, organizations, and national
The "Greatest Business Book of All Time" (Bloomsbury UK), In Search of Excellence has long been a must-have for the boardroom, business school, and bedside table. Based on a study of forty-three of Am
1982年管理大師畢德士、華特曼出版了這本既暢銷又經典的鉅作。這本書單是在美國就熱賣了三百多萬本;畢德士、華特曼也從此奠定了他們國際級管理大師的地位。這本書獲得許多美譽。1999年美國國家公共電台(NPR, National Public Radio)稱之為「本世紀頂尖的三大商業書籍之一!」,2000年英國的Bloomsbury出版社調查顯示,本書是「有史以來最棒的商業書籍!」。作者針對43家美國