Man clutters his mind with meaningless activities trying to ascribe significance to the mystery of life, to the irrationality of being. Man is the only species who registers a futile attempt to leave
The profits of an entire industry are reliant upon the unsubstantiated marketing claims of fruit and vegetable antioxidants. Such is the case for blueberries and tomatoes. Tragically, dietary antioxid
Antioxidants from supplements, food sources and the environment have a cumulative effect of dangerously lowering protective prooxidant levels, which "allows" for disease manifestation and coexistence
Exercise is a well known means to lower the risk of many common diseases, including cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes and arthritis. There is a considerable scientific data to support this view
The Sci-Fi Adventures ofDr. Kenneth Messenger:The Parallel UniverseSeriesCatching Cancer is an adventure of epic proportions, in which theentire human race is susceptible to an unexplained and unantic
A recent study showed over 60% of athletes use common antioxidant vitamin supplements, of which 97.5% used vitamin C, 78.3% used vitamin E and 52.2% used multivitamins. This is even higher than the a