Go ahead, put aside that barf bag, cease the heavy drinking, and face your dissertation or thesis defense committee with confidence knowing your work is in the proper order, has every element it shoul
Calabrese (educational administration, Ohio State U.) presents a resource for doctoral students (and their professors) on writing a dissertation. It covers all the components of a dissertation, regard
Getting It Right: The Essential Elements of the Dissertation was written for graduate students writing their dissertations. Clearly written and organized into five thematic chapters— introduction and
This book focuses on using faculty mentoring to empower doctoral students to successfully complete their doctoral studies, showcasing professors and dissertation advisors from the most prestigious uni
"Writing the dissertation is a bit like test-taking; it requires not only mastery of content but skills and `smarts' to negotiate the process. For doctoral candidates and mentor faculty seeking insigh
"Thinking about applying to a doctoral program? Are you in a doctoral program but facing challenges? Stressed out as a doctoral student but do not know how to prevent stress, reduce it, or cope with i