Dramatically presents the changes man, climate, cattle, fire, and other factors have wrought upon the natural landscape within a vertical mile over a large region—the northern Sonoran Desert and the h
Lucien Turner was a pioneering nineteenth-century ethnographer whose study of Aleut communities surpassed the work of all of his contemporaries, and now his rare writings are collected here for the fi
The Sonoran Desert, a fragile ecosystem, is under ever-increasing pressure from a burgeoning human population. This ecological atlas of the region's plants, a greatly enlarged and full revised version
Meticulously researched and richly illustrated--including many never-before-published images--A Journey into Florida Railroad History is a comprehensive, authoritative history of the subject. Written
本書引進自世界知名的 Springer 出版社,由美國南卡羅來納醫科大學神經外科專家 Alejandro M. Spiotta、Raymond D. Turner、M. Imran Chaudry 和 Aquilla S. Turk 結合各學科進展與多年臨床實踐經驗精心打造,是一部細緻全面、精准系統的腦血管疾病評估與治療參考書。相較於其他腦血管疾病著作,書中內容涵蓋了大部分腦血管疾病,各典型病例均詳述了病情評估、治療方案、手術過程、術後管理、併發症及處理,在強調臨床實踐的同時,兼顧最新研究進展,還特別對外科手術與介入治療兩種技術進行了深入對比、闡述。全書共四篇 44 章,編排簡潔,闡釋明晰,圖文並茂,是一部不可多得的臨床案頭必備工具書,非常適合從事腦血管疾病診療工作的同道在臨床實踐中借鑒參考。
"Over the millennia, the drainageway we now call the Santa Cruz River has seen many ebbs, flows, and floods. Throughout its long history, the river has meandered. It has flowed on the surface. It has
First developed in the 1880s as a way to monitor glaciers in Europe, repeat photography —the practice of taking photographs at different points in times from the same physical vantage point—remains an
In The Ribbon of Green, hydrologists Robert H. Webb and Stanley A. Leake and botanist Raymond M. Turner examine the factors that affect the stability of woody riparian vegetation, one of the largest c