Beyond the dog-eared men’s movement classics or simplistic fitness magazine advice, men have been wanting for solid, core life guidance for years. For psychotherapist Robert Augustus Masters, th
Emotions link our bodies, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels. And the capacity to be intimate with our emotions, teaches Robert Augustus Masters, is essential for creating fulfilling relati
Intimate relationship has long been viewed and lived as a lesser alternative to spiritual life. More recently, the need to integrate our spiritual and intimate lives, rather than maintaining separate
Why are the people around me so difficult?" "Why do I keep getting in situations like this?" Our shadowside, teaches Robert Augustus Masters, contains the emotions and desires we've disowned, neglecte
Spiritual bypassing—the use of spiritual beliefs to avoid dealing with painful feelings, unresolved wounds, and developmental needs—is so pervasive that it goes largely unnoticed. The spiritual ideals
Our shadow is the part of ourselves that holds the feelings, beliefs, and behavioral patterns that we are most ashamed of or that we cannot accept about ourselves. And the degree to which we're un