One of the major dilemmas facing the administrative state in the United States today is discerning how best to harness for public purposes the dynamism of markets, the passion and commitment of nonpr
Why Public Service Matters conveys the importance, purpose, and nobility of a career as a civil servant in the United States. It does so, however, with an unflinching eye on the realpolitik that drive
One of the major dilemmas facing the administrative state in the United States today is discerning how best to harness for public purposes the dynamism of markets, the passion and commitment of nonpro
Durant (public administration and policy, American U.) describes an epic and ongoing struggle to build a corporate sense of responsibility within the US military for ensuring that its day-to-day opera
Why Public Service Matters conveys the importance, purpose, and nobility of a career as a civil servant in the United States. It does so, however, with an unflinching eye on the realpolitik that drive
This survey of current issues and controversies in environmental policy and management is unique in its thematic mix, broad coverage of key debates, and in-depth analysis. The contributing authors, al
This survey of current issues and controversies in environmental policy andmanagement is unique in its thematic mix, broad coverage of key debates and approaches, and in-depthanalysis of concepts trea