Love Is a Choice Workbook provides a ten-stage plan to help you find healing from the pain that created your codependency and then guides you through the plan using interactive questions, self-tests,
Now you can discover for yourself the principles behind the Twelve Steps as they occur in Scripture through this best-selling New Testament.You will find an introduction to the Twelve Steps of recover
These bestselling doctors walk you through their ten proven stages to recovery from codependency that results from external circustances. Humans are susceptible to codependency because of our sinful
Compulsive overeating is a complex and pervasive problem. A one-dimensional approach to weight loss has rarely worked because different people are overweight for different reasons, and most people ha
Based on the premise that overeating is linked to emotional and spiritual deprivations, Love Hunger begins with a relationship inventory that will help you understand how disappointments with your fam