本書是美國紐約大學戲劇治療課程創辦人,也曾任該所所長暨國際期刊《心理治療藝術》(The Arts in Psychotherapy)的榮譽退休主編:藍迪(R. Landy)教授,運用其最擅長的角色理論所建構的角色系統之「角色方法」來撰寫戲劇治療的過程與案例。 作者以其社會學、人類學、文化研究及心理學等不同學門之研究與實務之專業素養,深入淺出且生動地描繪與解釋戲劇治療的角色方法,同時運用「角色」
This book demonstrates that drama is not only a metaphor for everyday life, but also provides a means of self-examination and life enhancement. Asserting that emotional well-being depends upon an indi
A collection of essays, both published and unpublished, by Landy, (drama therapy, New York U.) reflecting the personal experiences of the dramatherapist. Balancing theory and practice, the author out
Chasen, a drama therapist and founding director of Kid Esteem Inc., describes a model of drama therapy rooted in neuroscience and designed specifically to develop social, emotional, and expressive lan
Children from around the world show us God in ways that we may have forgotten! "When I looked out my window at the changing seasons, I didn't really see any
Providing an international overview of the latest work and thinking in Drama and Education, and featuring interviews with a worldwide variety of leading practitioners and theorists, this book explores
As an emerging psychotherapeutic discipline, drama therapy has been gaining global attention over the last decade for its demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of child and adolescent populations. Ho