Follows the extraordinary efforts of police officers, detectives, and prosecutors to bring to justice a murderous gang of Dominican youths known as the Wild Cowboys, and the social activists, liberal
The moral ambiguities of the detectives' world as they move between the streets and a bureaucratic behemoth is examined through their personal stories, in a collection that captures the real-life expl
This classic study of ethics in business presents an eye-opening account of how corporate managers think the world works, and how big organizations shape moral consciousness. Robert Jackall takes the
This volume traces the origins, ethos, and workings of modern propaganda, which now permeates all institutions in our society. Scholars such as C. Wright Mills, Walter Lippmann, and Hans Speier here e
Everywhere we turn, we are exhorted to spend money, join organizations, rally to causes, or express outrage. Image Makers is a comprehensive analysis of this age of modern advocacy-from commercials to
Talking dogs pitching ethnic food. Heart-tugging appeals for contributions. Recruitment calls for enlistment in the military. Tub-thumpers excoriating American society with over-the-top rhetoric. At e
Internationally renowned sociologist, Arthur J. Vidich (1922-2006), was an active researcher and teacher whose career spanned the second half of the twentieth century. With a Critical Eye: An Intellec
Joseph Bensman (1922-1986), a renowned analyst of modern institutions, professions, and culture, was Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, and at Ci