Based on an Oscar-nominated animated short by former Pixar directors, The Dam Keeper: Return to the Shadowsis the third and final volume in a breath-taking graphic novel series about a pig's epic jour
Life in Sunrise Valley is tranquil, but beyond its borders lies certain death. A dangerous black fog looms outside the village, but its inhabitants are kept safe by an ingenious machine known as the d
Beyond the dam lies certain death—this is something every citizen of Sunrise Valley knows well. Yet, when a poisonous black tidal wave carries Pig, Fox, and Hippo over the dam and into the wastelands,
Requiem is a compelling celebration of Robert A. Heinlein and his vision, containing many rare, uncollected works by the Grand Master of science fiction, including the novellas Destination Moon, whic
Part of the March/April Materials Research Society Spring Meeting in San Francisco, the Symposium on "Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Silicon Science and Technology" resulted in these 106 papers present