There is a need as well as a reason for this book, says the author, since "there are no other books covering the history of the Quarter Horse. All that is available is an article here and a chapter th
The fabled King Ranch of South Texas was renowned for its breed of horses, the King Ranch Quarter Horses. Here is the complete story of the ranch and its horses, how they were bred, and what they have
Here for the first time is a digest of known information about the stallions whose descendants appear in the early volumes of the American Quarter Horse Association studbook. Robert M. Denhardt, a fo
Most Quarter Horse breeders and breed experts believe that in the production of great Quarter Horses one should never underestimate the importance of the dam. They are convinced that, in the long run,
Bob Denhardt first "penned up" The Quarter Horse and had it printed in Houston in 1941. It was the first book ever published about this then-new breed of horse; the American Quarter Horse Association