Why is the broad avenue leading to St. Peter’s called the Street of Reconciliation? What does the Via dei Fori Imperiali—where the ancient imperial forums lie—have to do with Mussolini? How does the n
Why is the broad avenue leading to St. Peter’s called the Street of Reconciliation? What does the Via dei Fori Imperiali—where the ancient imperial forums lie—have to do with Mussolini? How does the n
The trial of Adolf Eichmann began in 1961 under a deceptively simple label, "criminal case 40/61." Hannah Arendt covered the trial for the New Yorker magazine and recorded her observations in Eichman
Where are the women of jihad? Though there have been female terrorists since the advent of nonstate terrorism, women appear to be all but absent from today's global Islamist terrorist movement. In mos