Full employment used to be an explicit goal of economic policy in most of theindustrialized world. Some countries even achieved it. In Back to FullEmployment, economist Robert Pollin argues that the U
In order to control climate change, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)estimates that greenhouse gas emissions will need to fall by about forty percent by 2030.Achieving the target goals
The first detailed assessment of the impact of the "living wage" legislation passed in a number of U.S. cities shows how it has improved the lives of the working poor and demonstrates its relatively l
An assessment of the impact of the "living wage" legislation passed in a number of U.S. cities shows how it has improved the lives of the working poor and demonstrates its relatively low cost for empl
In early 2007, there were approximately 140 living wage ordinances in place throughout the United States. Communities around the country frequently debate new proposals of this sort. Additionally, as
In early 2007, there were approximately 140 living wage ordinances in place throughout the United States. Communities around the country frequently debate new proposals of this sort. Additionally, as