The towering accomplishments of the nation's foremost minority activist leader are put in historical, personal, and critical perspective and will inspire a new generation of readers.
This eloquent narrative of the life and extraordinary accomplishments of an ordinary man, Cesar Chavez, the labor organizer and founder of the United Farm Workers of America, will inspire readers and
Formerly with the National Archives in Washington, DC, Bruns is the author of numerous books, including several biographies for young readers on such figures as Martin Luther King Jr., John Wesley Pow
Bruns, a historian, acquaints high school students, students of American social history and culture, and general readers with Negro League baseball and the achievements and experiences of African Amer
There has been recent controversy in the African American community about youth and their lack of appreciation for the gains of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. This stellar biography
This book provides a variety of original source documents—from first-hand accounts to media responses to legislative texts—regarding the Chicano movement of the 1960s through 1970s that enable readers
Suitable as a reference text for high school and undergraduate students, Bruns' biography covers Graham's life from birth and childhood, through the teen years and adulthood. Coverage includes Graham'
The Zoot Suit Riots in 1943 and the infamous Sleepy Lagoon murder trial of the preceding year represent a turning point in the cultural identity and historical experience of Mexican Americans in the U
Two decades after Cesar Chavez's death, this timely book chronicles the drive for a union of one of American society's most exploited groups--farm workers. "Encyclopedia of Cesar Chavez" is a valuable
This book examines what it takes for Latino youngsters to beat the odds, overcoming cultural and racial barriers—and a corrupt recruitment system—to play professional baseball in the United States.
This collection of inspiring biographies of the biggest Latino names in music, sports, education, literature, entertainment, journalism, and labor will excite the imagination and appeal to all reader