Matthew 1-2 and the Virginal Conception examines early Palestinian and Hellenistic Jewish accounts of the birth of Israel's first redeemer, Moses. The author shows how these accounts provide the backg
This study uses early Jewish sources to analyze the significance of Day of Atonement and High Priest imagery in the narrative of Simon Peter’s threefold denial of Jesus. It then describes the influenc
With the aid of early Jewish sources, this study opens new avenues of interpretation regarding two enigmatic passages on baptism in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, 10:1-5 and 15:29.
In contrast to common opinion, Roger David Aus explores the positive aspects of the Apostle Paul's use of the image of 'triumphing' in Second Corinthians 2:14. Through detailed analysis of both Greco-
A widespread early Palestinian Jewish saying was 'As the first redeemer of Israel, so the last redeemer of Israel': as Moses, so the Messiah. This was the major reason why the death, burial, and trans
"In Feeding the Five Thousand, Roger Aus not only presents the broad background of rabbinic and Hellenistic traditions in respect to this episode, he also examines its historical setting and how each
These five essays deal with the influence of Judaic haggadah or lore, especially in the form of “creative historiography” or “imaginative dramatization,” on four enigmatic passages in the Gospels, and