(String). This edition collects in one volume all four concertos that make up "The Four Seasons." The combined retail value of the component publications that make up this collection (50263030 Sprin
Based the critical edition (published 1955 in Prague) with the information in the piano score reflecting Dvorak's original version (any added dynamics are in brackets) and the violin part is edited b
inch....this work is likely to become a standart work very quickly and is to be recommended to all schools where recorder studies are undertaken inch. (Oliver James,Contact Magazine) A novel and c
inch....this work is likely to become a standart work very quickly and is to be recommended to all schools where recorder studies are undertaken inch. (Oliver James,Contact Magazine) A novel and c
inch....this work is likely to become a standart work very quickly and is to be recommended to all schools where recorder studies are undertaken inch. (Oliver James,Contact Magazine) A novel and c