What happens in the trauma’s aftermath? How do its effects manifest differently on the individual, family, and community-wide levels? Stress, Trauma, and Posttraumatic Growth: Social Context, Environm
What happens in the trauma’s aftermath? How do its effects manifest differently on the individual, family, and community-wide levels? Stress, Trauma, and Posttraumatic Growth: Social Context, Environm
Combining theoretical, empirical, and clinical knowledge, Stepfamilies: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective contains recent research and information that will help mental health practitioners, family ther
?I felt like an alien who fell down to earth, not understanding the rules of the game, making all the possible mistakes, saying all the wrong things.? ?Your whole life is in the hands of other people
An adult immigrant to the U.S. in 1990, Israeli-born Berger (social work, Adelphi U., Garden City, New York) shares her own story and the stories of 18 women from around the world who have immigrated