Memorias de Leticia Valle (1945) is the fictionalized diary of an eleven-year-old girl who records an "inconceivable" seduction. Set in early twentieth-century Spain, the events she chronicles take pl
This meditative novel, grounded in the thinking of Spain's great modern philosopher Ortega y Gasset, unfolds as the journal of a bourgeois chemist who makes his way in Buenos Aires just before and du
A masterpiece of modernist fiction about one man’s search for meaning, Dream of Reason (La sinrazon) reveals Rosa Chacel as an intellectual and literary innovator whose work stands alongside that of J
Rosa Chacel belongs to that brilliant generation of artists that moved to the cultural vanguard in the 1920s and 1930s: García Lorca, Buñuel, Dali, Alberti, Guillén, Aleixandre. As a y