A battle for the magical world of Lemuria is raging and an evil sorceress called Obsidian is on the brink of defeatingthe five royal families. Get ready for swashbuckling adventures with the Princess
Join Jade as the Princess Pirates start to master their super hero powers and use them to rescue the people and animals who live in a clockwork city. Their friendship will be put to the test as they b
Join Jade as the Princess Pirates start to master their super hero powers and use them to rescue the people and animals who live in a clockwork city. Their friendship will be put to the test as they b
Action-packed, swashbuckling adventures set in a magical island world!A battle for the magical world of Lemuria is raging and an evil sorceress called Obsidian is on the brink of defeating the five ro
A battle for the magical world of Lemuria is raging and an evil sorceress called Obsidian is on the brink of defeating the five royal families. The Princess Pirates discover a magical island kingdom a
A battle for the magical world of Lemuria is raging and an evil sorceress called Obsidian is on the brink of defeating the five royal families. The buccaneering adventures begin as the Princess Pirate