Roy Fuller (EDT)/ Marie Kendall Brown (EDT)/ Kimberly Smith (EDT)
Tricia Brown/ Roy Corral (PHT)
American Social History Project/ Roy Rosenzweig/ Nelson Lichtenstein/ Joshua Brown/ Stephen Brier
Bonitsis, Theologos Homer,Brown, Roy Chamberlain
Brown Tricia/ Corral Roy (PHT)
Cary Ginell/ Roy Lee Brown
David Lees,John Ferguson,Michael (University of Sussex Lawrence UK),Roy Brown
David Lees/ John Ferguson/ Michael Lawrence / Roy Brown
Hanes, Roy (Carleton University, Canada),Brown, Ivan,Hansen, Nancy E. (University of Manitoba, Canada)
Helen E. Roy,Peter M. J. Brown,Richard F. Comont,Remy L. Poland,John J. Sloggett
Helen Roy/ Peter Brown/ Richard Lewington (ILT)
Ivan Brown/ Roy I. Brown/ Ann Turnbull (FRW)/ Rud Turnbull (FRW)
L. M. Brown/ Roy M. Harrison/ Aubre De L. Maynard
Roy Hanes (EDT)/ Ivan Brown (EDT)/ Nancy E. Hansen (EDT)
Roy Thomas/ Mike Friedrich/ Gil Kane (ILT)/ Bob Brown (ILT)