Many people are taking positive steps to address the needs of the global community, but the magnitude of the task can be overwhelming. Healing Breath helps readers become socially active without bein
The author, a Zen roshi and former Jesuit priest, examines the relationship between the Christian Bible and Zen Buddhism, particularly the way in which the practices of the one can be enriched by the
This wonderful book, in its friendly, informative tone, carefully explains Buddhist ideas — from key concepts like Emptiness and The Truth of Suffering to an in-depth and enlightening examinati
Habito (world religions & spirituality, Southern Methodist U.) presents a comparative reading of St. Ignatius's "spiritual exercises" in light of Zen practice. He considers them as complementary t
An indispensable collection of texts and essays focused on how the work of Christianity is affected by other religious traditions.An urgent question in the twenty-first century is how Christians can
Renowned scholar Alfred Bloom presents the life and teachings of Shinran Shonin, the founder of Shin (or Pure Land) Buddhism, the most populist form of Buddhism in Japan, drawing extensively on the wr