Edited by K. Jayakrishna, Vimal KEK, S. Aravind Raj, K.M.A.K. Kulatunga, Mohamed Thariq Bin Haji Hameed Sultan and J. Paulo Davim
Jayakrishna, K. (School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India),KEK, Vimal,Raj, S. Aravind,Kulatunga, K.M.A.K.,Sultan, Mohamed Thariq Bin Haji Hameed (UPM Press, U
M. Uthayakumar (EDT)/ S. Aravind Raj (EDT)/ Tae Jo Ko (EDT)/ S. Thirumalai Kumaran (EDT)/ J. Paulo Davim (EDT)