斷絕水晶庇蔭的故事『FINAL FANTASY ⅩⅥ』官方美術集本書中收錄了以故事主角・羅札利亞公國第一王子克萊夫‧羅茲菲德為首,成為擁有強大且特殊力量之召喚獸所寄宿的「顯化者」。以及逐漸邁入黄昏時代,受水晶庇蔭的「伐利斯傑亞」之世界風景。還有在這片大地上囂張肆虐的「怪物們」等,在開發『FINAL FANTASY ⅩⅥ』過程中所描繪,大量精美且筆觸纖細的插畫、設定稿。請盡情欣賞宛如身歷其境、充滿存在感,讓人大飽眼福的美麗插畫吧。
Experience the fantastical world of Luxendarc like never before! Join the game's creators as they send their heroes on a journey to awaken the elemental crystals from all-consuming darkness, and exper
A beautiful new edition of the official art book for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. Featuring hundreds of full-color illustrations and an exclusive bonus item code, this is a must-have for collectors
The second volume of a two-volume set of the official art books for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. This beautiful new edition features hundreds of pages of full-color art and an exclusive bonus item