繼《陰線陽線》之後,全美陰陽線分析大師 Steve Nison再度總結日本陰陽線分析技巧,向全球金融從業人員透露前所未見的新技術。這套有效的分析技巧和傳統的交易、投資或避險技術結合,必可使操作者在市場上斬獲良多。《股票K線戰法》提供您循序漸進的指令,詳細的圖表,和明確的方針,足以磨礪您的技術操作方法。
Candlesticks are everywhere and have become one of the most used methods of analyzing markets and finding winning trades. With this popularity has come a wave of information about how to use this cha
A form of technical analysis, Japanese candlestick charts are a versatile tool that can be fused with any other technical tool, and will help improve any technician's market analysis. They can be used