The urgent need for the study of exclusive identities in conflict is ever more apparent in a globalizing world in which societies are becoming multicultural and complex and in which inter-cultural con
This book contains selected papers from the meeting «Conditioned Identities. Wished-for and Unwished-for Identities», held in the Institute of Research in Identities and Society (University of Lleida)
This book contains selected papers from the meetings «To think the Identity» and «Identities on the move» held in the Institute for Research into Identities and Society (University of Lleida) during 2
The book derives from an European Science Foundation project about the cohesion of European regions developed between 2010 and 2013. Flocel Sabaté led into this framework a team of fourteen scholars l
The Crown of Aragon. A Singular Mediterranean Empire recovers the history of an important late medieval crossroads, that brought peoples from Iberia to Greece together and promoted culture as a means
Archives are the documentary memory of each society and so they become one of the pillars of its identity. Its destruction is sometimes accidental, but it is often deliberate in order to remove the ti