A comprehensive handbook for Oracle 9i database administration explains how to build and manage complex Oracle 9i databases and provides a primer on UNIX, an introduction to SQL and PL/SQL, and comple
Alapati is an Oracle database administrator for the Boy Scouts of America. For new-to-intermediate level DBAs, he focuses on the database design to performance troubleshooting tasks common to most ent
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.This study g
Stop searching the web for out-of-date, fragmentary, and unreliable information about running Hadoop! Now, there's a single source for all the authoritative knowledge and trustworthy procedures you ne
Designed as a self-study guide but also applicable to group study, this comprehensive test prep could also serve as a reference. Practitioner Apapati recommends installing and testing all the componen
A guide to the features of Oracle Database 11g covers such topics as database administration, performance management, database security, backup and recovery, Oracle streams, storage management, applic
This comprehensive guide has been fully updated to cover the latest features and tools of Oracle Real Application Clusters 12cThrough clear instruction and detailed examples, Oracle Database 12c Real
Performance problems are rarely "problems" per se. They are more often "crises" during which you’re pressured for results by a manager standing outside your cubicle while your phone rings with queries