Provides a general yet original overview of cybercrime and the legal, social, and technical issues that cybercrime presents. Understanding and Managing Cybercrime is accessible to a wide audience
Humans have always sought to change their environment—building houses, monuments, temples, and roads. In the process, they have remade the fabric of the world into newly functional objects that
“This volume, telling the story of how one North American ecumenical foundation learned to move from a ‘missions’ stance to one of ‘partnership,’ is at once informative, intriguing, and instruct
Civil engineer Samuel Forman's The Civilized Engineer is aimed at both those observing and commenting externally on engineering, and the practicing engineer—to reveal something of the art behind great
"Samuel Heilman has walked the mourner's path both as an anthropologist observing the socio-cultural death practices of the Jewish community, and as a bereaved son grieving the loss of a beloved fathe