An investigation of the syntax and semantics of wh-questions through the lens of intervention effects, offering a new proposal on overt and covert wh-movement. In this book, Hadas Kotek investigates
An investigation of the syntax and semantics of wh-questions through the lens of intervention effects, offering a new proposal on overt and covert wh-movement.In this book, Hadas Kotek investigates th
These seven original essays commissioned in tribute to MIT Philosophy ProfessorSylvain Bromberger present some of the most exciting research being conducted today in linguistics.Each essay is informed
These seven original essays commissioned in tribute to MIT Philosophy ProfessorSylvain Bromberger present some of the most exciting research being conducted today in linguistics.Each essay is informed
An argument that complex cardinals are not extra-linguistic but built using standard syntax and standard principles of semantic composition.In Cardinals, Tania Ionin and Ora Matushansky offer a semant
A memoir of MIT life, from being Noam Chomsky's boss to negotiating with student protesters.When Jay Keyser arrived at MIT in 1977 to head the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, he writes, he "
When Jay Keyser arrived at MIT in 1977 to head theDepartment of Linguistics andPhilosophy, he writes, he "felt like a fishthat had been introduced to water for the first time." AtMIT, acolleague grabb
This work is the culmination of an eighteen-year collaboration between Ken Hale andSamuel Jay Keyser on the study of the syntax of lexical items. It examines the hypothesis that thebehavior of lexical