Michelle Willihnganz,Gurevitz, Samuel L, PharmD, CGP (Associate Professor, Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Indianapolis, IN),Bruce D. (Professor of Pharmacy Practice Clayton
Samuel L. (Professor of Sociology Perry Professor of Sociology University of Oklahoma)
Willihnganz, Michelle J., MS, RN, CNE (RCTC Nursing Instructor at Rochester Community and Technical College, Rochester, Minnesota),Gurevitz, Samuel L., PharmD, CGP (Associate Professor, Health Science
;Bray, Samuel L. (Professor, Professor, Law at Notre Dame Law School),Goldberg, Professor (, Harvard Law School),Miller, Paul B. (Professor of Law and Associate Dean for International and Graduate Pro
;Oyer, Samuel L., MD (Associate Professor<br>Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery<br>Department of Otolaryngology<br>University of Virginia)