


繁體書 (1)
原文書 (7)
紅利兌換 (1)

可訂購商品 (8)

有庫存 (3)
無庫存 (5)

$200~$399 (1)
$400~$599 (3)
$600~$799 (4)

2023~2024 (3)
2021~2022 (3)
2019~2020 (2)

平裝 (1)
精裝 (6)
硬頁書 (1)

學齡前 (5)

Hallee Adelman/ Sandra De La Prada (ILT) (1)
Hallee Adelman;Sandra de la Prada(ILT) (1)
Laura Baker; Sandra de la Prada (1)
Laura Baker; Sandra de la Prada (1)
Maud Poulain, Sandra de la Prada (1)
Mike Henson; Sandra de la Prada (1)
Rose Hall; Sandra de la Prada (1)
麥克‧漢森(Mike Henson)-文-著;汪仁雅-譯;珊卓‧德拉普拉達(Sandra de la Prada)-圖-繪 (1)

Albert Whitman & Co (2)
Little Tiger Press Group (2)
Happy Yak (1)
Twirl (1)
Usborne UK (1)
小山丘 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

All the Wonderful Ways to Read
作者:Laura Baker; Sandra de la Prada  出版社:Little Tiger Press Group  出版日:2023/03/02 裝訂:精裝
A delightful story by Laura Baker, illustrated with warmth and humour by Sandra de la Prada, that celebrates reading in all its forms. Books take us on journeys that we can all share,And give us the power to go anywhere! So no matter just how, or what book,or your speed, what I wish for NOW . .. Is that YOU love to read! This fantastic book inspires ALL children to find their own wonderful way of reading. Little bookworms who love A Child of Books by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston, Wolves by Emily Gravett and Books Always Everywhere by Jane Blatt and Sarah Massini will adore All the Wonderful Ways to Read.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
Way Past Mad
作者:Hallee Adelman; Sandra De La Prada (ILT)  出版社:Albert Whitman & Co  出版日:2020/03/01 裝訂:精裝
Keya is way past mad. Her little brother Nate messed up everything—even breakfast. She heads to school kicking rocks and sticks. When her best friend Hooper tries to help, Keya shouts, "I don't even l
定價:595 元, 優惠價:79 470
蔬菜們看過來! 萬眾矚目的「年度最佳蔬菜」究竟獎落誰家? 是身強力壯的馬鈴薯?迷人美麗的胡蘿蔔? 難不成是超級平凡的花椰菜…… 來向蔬菜們學習,為自己的優秀喝采! ☆內容簡介☆ 又到了一年一度的「優良蔬菜選拔大賽」 選手們齊聚一堂,討論著誰才是今年最優秀的蔬菜。 花椰菜認為自己過於平凡,只是安靜的在旁聆聽其他蔬菜的英勇事蹟。 正當選手們七嘴八舌激烈討論時,花椰菜突然迸出一句話, 這句話讓全場瞬間鴉雀無聲,歐防風跟茴香甚至昏厥過去! 花椰菜到底說了什麼,讓大家如此震驚? 一場精彩的蔬菜選拔賽陪伴孩子認識營養蔬菜、建立自信! 「你光是當你自己,就無敵厲害了!」 ☆本書特色☆ 【建立自信!探討「優秀」是什麼?】 內容親切卻富含深遠寓意,不僅幼兒適讀,大人也能從中得到振奮的力量。透過一場優良蔬菜選拔大賽,引導大家反思「什麼是優秀?」、「我優秀嗎?」同時也提醒讀者切勿妄自菲薄,當看見他人的光芒時,也別忘記回看自身擁有的才能,有時候自認的平凡,在他人眼中卻是獨一無二的超能力唷! 【打擊偏食!營養蔬菜其實很可愛】 此書網羅大部分孩子們容易挑食的食材,以幽默逗趣的故事呈現出每種蔬菜可愛的一面,降低孩子對蔬菜的戒心。結尾另有花椰菜部位說明,資訊性及閱讀樂趣兼具,適合帶領正在挑食階段的幼兒一起共讀! 【創意無限!讓想像力帶你去所有地方】 幼兒階段屬於人類發展階段中想像力最為旺盛的時期,容易構建出與事實不符卻豐盛多彩的想像世界,與故事中各位蔬菜選手們齊聚一堂,誇耀自身能力的對話如出一轍,小讀者讀來想必會心一笑,更具共鳴。 ☆不平凡推薦☆ 高敏敏|親子營養師 張佩蓉|Q老師的營養教室 蠟筆哥哥|「好享聽故事」平台創辦人 *有注音 *推薦閱讀年齡:3-7歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀
庫存 > 10
定價:350 元, 優惠價:79 276
作者:Mike Henson; Sandra de la Prada  出版社:Happy Yak  出版日:2022/07/05 裝訂:精裝
This laugh-out-loud tale tells us the story of humble broccoli's big day as she attends the Vegetable Awards with her best friend carrot, teaching lessons of friendship and modesty.This funny and light-hearted tale is a delightful, laugh-out-loud story of friendship, humility, and vegetables, which kids of all ages will love!It's nearly time for the Annual Vegetable Awards and all the vegetables gather to discuss who deserves to be nominated. Unassuming Broccoli feels she lives a very normal life but decides to go along as best friend Carrot – with the amazing hair – will be there. Broccoli is quiet while the other vegetables begin to bicker about who is the best.“Easy peasy” chorused the Pea Pod Possy. “We went skiing through the Wobbly Wild Woods, home of the white whistling wolves! And only one of us got eaten!”.“Don’t be silly”, said Tomato, “I went trekking through the…”“TOMATO! You’re not even a vegetable!” Potato protested. “Besides, I climbed to the top of Vege-Table Mountain!”
The Pop-Up Guide: Cities Around the World (立體書)
作者:Maud Poulain; Sandra de la Prada  出版社:Twirl  出版日:2023/08/15 裝訂:精裝
A unique look at some of the world's most beautiful cities: The iconic landmarks of New York City, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, London, and other international cities fill the eye-opening pages of this Pop-Up GuideTM. Featuring the Empire State Building, Copacabana Beach, Big Ben, and many more attractions, the multilayered 3-D scenes encourages children to explore further!• Descriptive text and labeled illustrations for quick and easy learning• Built-in elastic bands that allow readers to prop open and display their favorite scene• Sturdy construction that’s perfect for at-home or on-the-go. Fans of the Pop-Up GuideTM series will also enjoy the other books in the series, Space, Vehicles, Natural Wonders, and Animals.• Pop-up books for• Educational books for children aged 3 to 5• Books for preschool and kindergarten children
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Look Inside What We Throw Away
作者:Rose Hall; Sandra de la Prada  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/04/28 裝訂:硬頁書
Lift the flaps to see how lots of things we throw away don't really belong in the bin. Find out how rubbish can damage our planet. Then step into a repair cafe and a zero waste shop to discover inspiring ways to produce much less waste.
定價:549 元, 優惠價:75 412
All the Wonderful Ways to Read
作者:Laura Baker; Sandra de la Prada  出版社:Little Tiger Press Group  出版日:2024/03/14 裝訂:平裝
Books take us on journeys that we can all share, And give us the power to go anywhere!A delightful story by Laura Baker, illustrated with warmth and humour by Sandra de la Prada, that celebrates reading in all its forms. Books take us on journeys that we can all share,And give us the power to go anywhere! So no matter just how, or what book,or your speed, what I wish for NOW . . .Is that YOU love to read! This fantastic book inspires ALL children to find their own wonderful way of reading. Little bookworms who love A Child of Books by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston, Wolves by Emily Gravett and Books Always Everywhere by Jane Blatt and Sarah Massini will adore All the Wonderful Ways to Read.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
作者:Hallee Adelman; Sandra de la Prada(ILT)  出版社:Albert Whitman & Co  出版日:2020/10/01 裝訂:精裝
Brock is worried. Way past worried, with his heart thumping and his mind racing. Today is his friend Juan’s superhero party and he’s going all by himself. What if nobody plays with him? What if everyo



