Presents the lives of teenagers in Japan, describing their intense academic programs, dating and social groups, and their fascination with fashion and technology.
Presents the life of the wife of China's Nationalist leader, who was a powerful political figure in her own right who helped to modernize China in the 1930s.
Examines the everyday life of teenagers in contemporary Morocco, discussing urban and rural families, education, food, Islamic holidays, and work activities.
Provides information and advice on how to deal with bullies, including how to cope with name-calling, how to stand up to bullies, and how to celebrate Unity Day.
Introduces students to the process of being elected and how elections are run, examining such topics as the challenges of running for office, what it means to be elected and the responsibilities of el
Perry likes pizza and pingpong. But one day he wonders what kind of pizza professional pingpong players would pick. When he can't find the answers at the library, Perry decides to write his own book.
Karl and Carolina learn about the parts of a book, including the spine, cover, title page, copyright page, glossary, and index, as they research dinosaurs.
This survival guide introduces the basics of financial literacy and money management for kids and gives readers the knowledge and skills they need for a lifetime of financial know-how. The book also e