This is your “Mommy Workbook”It is a Study Guide, Personal Planner, Journal & Stress Reducing Coloring Book!Over 180 Pages of peaceful, interesting and inspiring activities for homeschooling moms
How to Draw Realistic Guinea Pigs, Kittens, Dogs, Bunnies and Mice.Our method of drawing instruction teaches carefulobservation while developing skills and talent for creating detailed and accurate il
Learn How to Draw Owls, Eagles, Ducks, Doves and Parakeets - WorkbookLearn a new way to create beautifuland realistic illustrations of five different birds! All you need are two sharp pencils, an eras
This is a workbook that includes 100 easy lessons. Expect 10 minutes of parent/child learning time and 10 minutes of independent study time for the child. The Bible provides the best material for lear
The Yum-Schooling Cookbook! FLASH SALE! Normal price $14.99 This cookbook is designed to be used as an educational tool to teach children how to bake, calculate, measure, spell, use logic, serve othe
Introductory Sale! Normal Price $32.50 A Fun-Schooling Journal and Handbook for researching the United States of America. Make homeschooling fun with this library & internet-based learning handbook.Th