An illustrated collection of ten traditional fairy tales, including "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," "Puss in Boots," "Little Red Riding Hood," "Snow White," "Tom Thumb," "Hansel and Gretel," "The Fr
Once upon a time, artist Scott Gustafson set out to illustrate classic stories, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes. Decades later, his immediately recognizable paintings have made bestsellers of Peter Pa
Children and adults alike will delight in reading aloud these enduring and enchantingly told stories, richly illustrated and fabulously reimagined by award-winning artist Scott Gustafson. Stories incl
Once upon a time, artist Scott Gustafson set out to illustrate classic stories, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes. Decades later, his immediately recognizable paintings have made bestsellers of Peter Pa
When young Eddie is falsely accused of destroying the Judge's chicken coop, he is given one day to find the true culprit. Guided by logic, but entranced by the poetry of the paranormal, Eddie seeks to
A gorgeously illustrated glimpse into the mind of a young Edgar Allan Poe.When young Eddie is falsely accused of destroying the Judge’s chicken coop, he is given one day to find the true culprit. Guid
When young Eddie is falsely accused of destroying the Judge’s chicken coop, his adopted parents give him two days to find the true culprit. Guided by logic, but entranced by the poetry of the paranorm
This exquisitely illustrated, large format gift book features ten of the most enduring fairy tales of all time. The stories, chosen and edited by the artist, are a balance of 'princess' classics and frolicking adventure tales. Artist Scott Gustafson spent more than four years creating the seventy-five rich oil paintings, reproduced here in full color. His style is reminiscent of N.C. Wyeth and Wyeth;s gifted student Jessie Wilcox Smith (plus a touch of Arthur Rackham in the fairies). The rounded-face, glowing children and charming interiors contribute to Gustafson?s unique and contemporary style, which will capture the hearts of even the most hard-boiled media-savvy child.
Shows how economics functions as the dominant religion in America todayIn this thought-provoking book Scott Gustafson argues that economics performs the same function in contemporary American culture
Available again, this popular edition of Peter Pan includes the complete and unabridged text accompanied by fifty full-color paintings by Scott Gustafson. Kirkus Reviews wrote "Gustafson's lusty oil p
This bind-up of the first three John Carter of Mars books is an ideal 100th anniversary keepsake.Ever since A Princess of Mars was published in 1912, readers of all ages have read and loved Edgar Rice