讓本書幫助您快速有效的學會診斷及治療兩棲與爬行動物!這本以實證為基礎的傑出參考書被喻為兩棲與爬行動物醫學的「聖經」,為解決臨床難題、診斷、制定治療及手術計劃與驗證藥物劑量提供了彌足珍貴的見解。本書亮點:• 博學多聞且備受尊崇的專家群,為本書增添全球化視角。• 詳細說明如何創造、建立及經營一間專業的兩棲爬蟲動物醫院。• 收錄多樣物種的廣泛生物學-包括蛇、蜥蜴、龜、鱷魚、鱷蜥、兩棲動物,以增進讀者對各物種獨特的解剖與生理學的理解,而這是內外科醫學的重要先決條件。• 書中的物種皆使用經The Committee of Standard English and Scientific Names核准的北美兩棲爬蟲動物名稱,以確保讀者對這些物種擁有最新的命名慣例。• 完整涵蓋特定分類群的飼養管理實務,以及當代營養建議、照明技術發展、福祉和行為訓練的進展。• 以獨立章節說明傳染病(病毒學、細菌學、真菌學和寄生蟲學)和實驗室診斷。• 詳細逐步說明各項技術與程序,包括導管、餵食管,並提供住院及安樂死的相關建議。
Originating in a recent CIERA conference held at the University of Michigan, this book brings together the nation's most distinguished researchers to examine how readers understand text and how compre
Originating in a recent CIERA conference held at the University of Michigan, this book brings together the nation's most distinguished researchers to examine how readers understand text and how compre
Known as "the bible" of herpetological medicine and surgery, Mader's Reptile and Amphibian Medicine and Surgery, 3rd Edition edited by Stephen Divers and Scott Stahl provides a complete veterinary ref